

The Trimble GA830 Antenna is a general purpose GNSS antenna designed for the marine environment. It can be used for both position and heading applications, and has excellent RTK and MSS (OmniSTAR, CenterPoint RTX) performance.
The GA830 is optimized for tracking low elevation satellites and delivering improved signal to noise ratios. With a ruggedized housing and reliable performance, the GA830 is intended for installation on construction barges, pile driving rigs, marine vessels, cranes and other dynamic marine platforms. High rejection RF filtering reduces the effects of Iridium transmissions, which can often be the cause of GNSS signal loss on marine construction vessels.

Key Features

  • Economical GNSS antenna for precision RTK marine applications
  • Ruggedized housing for marine conditions
  • Additional high rejection filtering 1614 – 1624 MHz to reduce interference from Iridium transmissions
  • Capable of using free differential corrections from MSK Beacons and SBAS
  • Recommended for best OmniSTAR and CenterPoint RTX reception
  • Comprehensive GNSS support
  • Robust low-elevation satellite tracking

Spec Sheet